Thursday, January 9, 2014


DAILY?READINGS: Gen. 11:27 to 12:20; Job 15; Matt. 7:7-29

Thy word is truth.    John 17:17

Europe and the Americas were once called “Christian”. But increasingly this part of the world is rejecting the Bible as a source of moral and spiritual truth. People claim morals are subjective. It is up to the individual to determine what is right. Tolerance is the new morality, the first and great commandment. And so we see lives and homes being destroyed by dissolute behaviour, infidelity and divorce. God’s commandments are always for our good. It is time for Christians to stand for God’s truth, to proclaim the Gospel boldly and to stand for moral truth. And one must begin at home. Are you walking in the truth, obeying God’s truth? Begin today.    —Donald Norbie

Holy Lord God! I love Thy truth, nor dare Thy least commandment slight;
Yet pierced by sin, the serpent’s tooth, I mourn the anguish of the bite.
—William Cowper