Tuesday, February 18, 2014


DAILY?READINGS: Exodus 9; Psalm 40-41; Acts 4:1-31

And He gave them their request; but sent leanness into their souls. Psalms 106:15

When bringing our requests to God, we are exhorted to pray boldly, fervently and persistently. God’s Word also teaches us to pray in His will, by faith and with pure motives. When we pray with a heart of ingratitude, lust, or presumption, God often graciously declines our pleading. Yet there may be times God responds to our persistent begging by granting our petition, emaciating our soul so that we will turn back to Him. Instead let’s learn to listen for God’s answers, trust His wisdom and like both Moses (Deut. 3:26) and Paul (2 Cor. 12:9) learn to accept His refusals.    —George Ferrier

Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way!
Hold o’er my being absolute sway! Fill with Thy Spirit till all shall see;
Christ only, always, living in me. —Adelaide A. Pollard