Saturday, April 26, 2014


DAILY?READINGS: Numbers 6; Proverbs 3; Mark 14:53-72

Preserve my soul: for I am holy. Psalm 86:2
Neither wilt thou allow thine Holy One to see corruption. Acts 2:27

The Old Testament word “holy” means pious or godly, set apart. The New Testament word means “right” by intrinsic character, hallowed. The Lord Jesus was pure in every way. His words were holy; His deeds were holy; His thoughts were holy. It is no wonder that His Father would not allow Him to see corruption. But on the cross He became sin for me. Is it possible for us to even begin to comprehend it? —Tom Steere

The Holy One who knew no sin, God made Him sin for us:
The Saviour died our souls to win, upon the shameful cross.
His precious blood alone availed to wash our sins away;
Thro’ weakness He o’er hell prevailed, thro’ death He won the day.
—Hannah K. Burlingham