Friday, May 2, 2014


DAILY?READINGS: Numbers 12-13; Proverbs 10; 1 Peter 2

Incline thine ear unto me, and save me. Psalm 71:2

To most people, the ear of God is associated with prayer. An open ear means God is listening as we pray to Him (Ps. 39:12; 55:1). However, He’s also listening when we’re not talking to Him in prayer—something we should be mindful of, especially when our language or its content isn’t what it should be. How different would our conversations be if we were conscious of the all-hearing God! And beyond that, He is aware of the thoughts and intents of our heart, without a word being spoken. Perhaps we should treat every conversation, every whispered accusation, and every opinion, as a prayer to God—or at least as if He is hearing. We should, because He is already! —Norman Craig Funston

O how the world to evil allures me! O how my heart is tempted to sin!
I must tell Jesus, and He will help me, over the world the vict’ry to win.
—Elisha A. Hoffman