Wednesday, May 28, 2014


DAILY?READINGS: Deut. 6 to 7:11; Eccl. 8 to 9:10; Luke 8:22-39

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Martin Luther called John 3:16 the “Miniature Bible”, while Harry A. Ironside referred to it as “The Greatest Text in the Bible”. It was the first verse I ever memorized and God used it more than any other Bible text to bring me to believe in Christ. A young boy, saved through John 3:16 was asked to give a testimony as to what Christ meant to him. He developed the text under four headings: 1. God Said It; 2. Jesus Did It; 3. I Believe It; and 4. That Settles It. What about you? Why not make this text your text now by genuinely believing on Christ? —W. Ross Rainey

God loved the world so that He gave, His only Son the lost to save;
That all who would in Him believe, should everlasting life receive.
—Author Unknown