Recent Publications by Gospel Folio Press: Order your copy today!

our_fathers_told_B-1786Our Fathers Have Told Us (September 2015) – Biography

By: S. Beck

Our Fathers Have Told Us focuses on the lives of two gospel pioneers, Mr. and Mrs. L. K. McIlwaine, who displayed, in over fifty years of labour in Nova Scotia, their love to sinners and to their Lord. There were many tears and suffering, hardship and trials, all of which were counted as nought in their consuming zeal to see souls saved. An imperative command drove the stalwart pioneers on, even at the cost of self-abnegation: sinners must hear the gospel of salvation through Christ Jesus the Lord.

Mr. and Mrs. McIlwaine lived a life of single purpose. With sincerity and humility, they simply trusted God and sought to introduce Him to others. The great, reverential fear they held of God implied little fear of man; fiath in a faithful God implied lack of dependence upon others. Consequently, they lived life to the full, in joyful abandonment to the will of God. They felt the dearness of fellowship with Him, the contentment of being in His will, the thrill of seeing His hand, the blessing of feeling His presence. Caring not for the temporal things of earth, seeking to lose their life in the work of the gospel, they found the life that is worth living. In addition to carrying out a contented and purposeful existence on earth, they stored up eternal treasure to be enjoyed throughout eternity.

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Praise_Songs_B-5532Praise Songs of Israel (September 2015) – Devotional

By: Albert E. Horton

O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth” Psalm 8:1a

The Psalms are actually poems, written by Hebrew poets many generations ago. There is a great deal of poetry in the Old Testament.

As we study such Psalms we gain some idea of the greatness and glory of our God. May the study of the Psalms help us as we go on meditating on these wonderful “Praise Songs!” May the Lord enable us all to be for His praise and for His pleasure! What a privilege is ours—to be enabled by Him to give Him pleasure! No creature of His could be given greater privilege!

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unless_you_repent_B-1070Unless You Repent (New Reprint) (August 2015) – Christian Living

By: H.A. Ironside

“It is especially timely that this book should be reprinted at this time. It deals with issues that are the subject of some misinformation and misunderstanding.Ironside’s clear and gracious handling of the much misunderstood doctrine of repentance comes as a breath of fresh air, dispelling the fog.” ~William MacDonald

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Thursday, October 8, 2015


DAILY?READINGS: 2 Kings 8; Jeremiah 42:7 to 43:13; Hebrews 11:1-16


And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground…  Exodus 14:22

The Israelites weren’t spared the pursuit of the Egyptians—nor the dilemma of an impassible sea. To the brink of impossibility God led His people—not to destroy them, but to preserve them. As they walked through—God defeated their enemy and secured their salvation. Are you boxed in on all sides today? Are you seeing the impossible wherever you turn? Remember the God of the miraculous! The battle behind you and the sea before you are nothing for Him who commands armies and seas. He’s promised to make a way through for those who trust in Him. Trust Him today! —Deborah Manera

I’ll trust the Lord with all my heart, His promises are sure;
His grace divine, His tenderness, will evermore endure.
—C. L. Shacklock