Lord’s Day, January 10, 2016

DAILY?READINGS: Gen. 13-14; Job 16-17; Matt. 8:1-27

Then Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged him. John 19:1

Scourging is a very cruel form of torture. The victim’s hands are tied to an upright post with the body bent forward and bared to the waist. A whip, made of leather, with pieces of metal and sharp bits of bone woven into it, was administered several times. Every lash tore the flesh from the bones. Only those with a strong physical frame were able to survive. It is said of Jesus, that His back was like a plowed field (Ps. 129:3). Why would He endure this? Because, the Son of God loved me and gave His life for me (Gal. 2:20). —Bob Cretney

Behold a spotless victim dies.
My Surety on the tree.
The Lamb of God, The Sacrifice,
He gave Himself for me!—Author Unknown