Wednesday, January 20, 2016

DAILY?READINGS: Gen. 26; Job 32-33; Matt. 13:44 to 14:12

To another faith by the same Spirit… 1 Corinthians 12:9

Faith is a spiritual gift. Not saving faith, but the kind of visionary faith that George Müller demonstrated. If that kind of faith is a spiritual gift, and not everyone has been given it, then God doesn’t expect us all to have that type of faith. It is easy to feel that we are somehow failing God by not attaining to a certain level of spiritual ability. But God doesn’t expect us to excel at everything and He has equipped the church so that it complements itself. Everyone has a critical role to play. We need to live out who we are in Christ, as God has made and equipped us. Not despairing in our inadequacies but rejoicing in our unique opportunities. —J. L.

All is in Christ; your whole self present to Him.
For God’s Son, th’ Immortal King, freely give Him everything.
—Claire Lise de Benoit