Lord’s Day, November 13, 2016

DAILY?READINGS: 2 Chronicles 3-4; Ezekiel 28; John 10:19-42

When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost. John 19:30

When the Lord bowed His head it was not in defeat but control. All around was confusion. He alone knew what was being accomplished. We might ask why must it be so? The Scriptures give the answer. He was fulfilling His Father’s will (Luke 22:42). Dealing with the claims of a broken law (Rom. 3:19). Making possible the reconciliation of fallen humanity to God (Rom. 5:10). And destroying the works of Satan (Heb. 2:15). His triumphant resurrection was the assurance of victory and His mission accomplished! —Drew Craig

Let every kindred, every tribe, on this terrestrial ball,
To Him all majesty ascribe, and crown Him, crown Him Lord of all.
—Oliver Holden