Saturday, August 31, 2019

2 Samuel 15:1-37; Zephaniah 3:1-20; Galatians 3:1-14

And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth
good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is
worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now. John 2:10

Believers who get older and start to have mobility issues can
sometimes get depressed thinking about “the good old days”,
when they could do so much more. Spiritual paralysis sets in
as they feel they have become spectators in a life that requires
participation. Be encouraged dear saint, God has saved the good
wine until now. Focus on what you can do, not on what you cannot
do! He still has a great work for you. —Sid Halsband

While I am a pilgrim here, let Thy love my spirit cheer;
As my guide, my guard, my friend, lead me to my journey’s end.
—John Newton

Friday, August 30, 2019

2 Samuel 14:1-33; Zephaniah 2:1-15; Galatians 2

Who is he that condemneth? Romans 8:34

Are we condemning a fellow believer for their sin, their crude
speech or their questionable lifestyle? Christ died for them and is
interceding for them. Let us also pray for them and seek their holiness
and good by supplications and acts of kindness.
—D. Pickup

I gave My life for thee,
My precious blood I shed,
That thou might‘st ransomed be,
And quickened from the dead;
I gave, I gave My life for thee,
What hast thou given for Me?
— Frances R. Havergal

Thursday, August 29, 2019

2 Samuel 13:1-39; Zephaniah 1:1-18; Galatians 1:1-24

In my distress I cried unto the Lord, and he heard me.
Psalm 120:1

It has been well said that trouble makes us cry unto the Lord.
The hymn writer notes, “No one understands like Jesus”. The
Hebrew word for “distress” occurs nearly two dozen times in the
Psalms. The psalmists knew first hand about trouble and distress
and they knew who to turn to in such trials. “Thou hast considered
my trouble; thou hast known my soul in adversities” (Ps. 31:7). “Casting
all your care upon him; for he careth for you” (1 Peter 5:7).
—William H. Gustafson

Are you a-weary, does the way seem long?
Look to the Lamb of God.
His love will cheer and fill your heart with song.
Look to the Lamb of God. —H. G. Jackson

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

2 Samuel 12:1-31; Habakkuk 3:1-19; Romans 16:1-27

By one man sin entered into the world. Romans 5:12
The gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:15

Two entirely opposite threads—each traced back to one man.
One man, Adam, brought sin through his disobedience and all
were made sinners. One Man, the Lord Jesus, brought grace and
died to put away sin by His obedience. He gave Himself a ransom
for all (1 Tim. 2:5-6), to make them righteous and that includes you
and me. Do you believe this? —K. C. Ung

I saw One hanging on a tree, in agony and blood,
Who fixed His languid eyes on me, as near His cross I stood.
Oh, can it be, upon a tree, the Saviour died for me?
My soul is thrilled, my heart is filled, to think He died for me!
— John Newton

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

2 Samuel 10:1-11:27; Habakkuk 2:1-20; Romans 15:14-33

And we are witnesses of all things which he did both in the land
of the Jews, and in Jerusalem. Acts 10:39
But were eye witnesses of his majesty…when we were with him
in the holy mount. 2 Peter 1:16, 18
A witness of the sufferings of Christ. 1 Peter 5:1
The God of our fathers raised up Jesus…And we are his
witnesses of these things. Acts 5:30, 32

Peter gives a first-hand account of the life and work of Christ, in
both his preaching and written ministry. Deep impressions must
have been made upon the fisherman from Galilee, as he was an
eye witness to His humility, glory, agony and victory! May we be
a faithful witness for Him today. —Pete Smith

Christians, go and tell of Jesus,
How He died to save our souls. —Edward Hammond

Monday, August 26, 2019

2 Samuel 8:1-9:13; Habakkuk 1:1-17; Romans 14:19-15:13

Daniel petitioned the king, and he set Shadrach, Meshach, and
Abed-Nego over the affairs of the province of Babylon.
Daniel 2:49, NKJV

Misery loves company, they say, but so does joy. Daniel was
always concerned for those whom God had placed within his care.
Perhaps he had been their mentor back in Judah. His standards
for a healthy diet and devotion to the Lord are well-documented,
as well as the impact it had on these young men. He could have
shifted his convictions or become bitter over his circumstances,
but he remained steadfast. Regardless of struggle or success, he
continued to look out for these young men. We likewise need to be
doing the same for those within our influence. —N. C. Funston

To serve the present age, my calling to fulfill;
And may it all my pow’rs engage, to do my Master’s will. —C. Wesley

Lord’s Day, August 25, 2019

2 Samuel 7:1-29; Nahum 2:1-3:19; Romans 14:1-18

Who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be
equal with God. Philippians 2:6, NKJV

Matthew recounts the Lord’s temptation in the wilderness and
the enemy’s attempts to get Him to avoid the cross. Those 40
long days and nights of testing, followed by the final three tests
by the Devil himself, are quite beyond our imagining. But we can
be so very thankful that He overcame all the enemy’s challenges
to set aside His humanity to escape the very real extremities He
was facing. He became human—and wonder of wonders, He
stayed human. —M. MacMullen

O Love divine! That stooped to share,
Our sharpest pang, our bitterest tear,
On Thee we cast each earth-born care,
We smile at pain, while Thou art near. —Oliver Wendell Holmes

Saturday, August 24, 2019

2 Samuel 6:1-23; Nahum 1:1-15; Romans 13:1-14

I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place
for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that
where I am, there ye may be also. John 14:2-3

The Lord was not speaking of a construction project, adding
extra rooms, or decorations or housekeeping arrangements to
prepare for extra guests. The work He did to prepare a place for
us was done at the cross. It was redemption work, the shedding of
His blood and the giving of His life as our sin-bearer. He blotted
out the handwriting of ordinances against us (Col. 2:14), making
possible our forgiveness and rebirth as new creations who will be
with Him in glory. Our forerunner awaits us there, within the veil
(Heb. 6:19-20). —Carl Knott

Soon Thy saints shall all be gathered inside the veil;
All at home, no more be scattered, inside the veil. —Elizabeth Dark

Friday, August 23, 2019

2 Samuel 4:1-5:25; Micah 7:1-20; Romans 12:1-21

Therefore say thou unto them, Thus saith the Lord of hosts;
Turn ye unto me, saith the Lord of hosts, And I will turn unto
you, saith the Lord of hosts. Zechariah 1:3

After decades-long discipline, God called the remnant to repent.
He never refuses believers’ sorrowful contrition, but rather commits
Himself to their restoration. James 4:8 promises: “Draw nigh
to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners;
and purify your hearts, ye double minded”. Repentance and faith in
Christ provide salvation (Mark 2:17); likewise, erring believers are
exhorted to turn again to Him (Rev. 2:5). If you have fallen, turn
again to God today. —Keith Keyser

O Lord, I cast my care on Thee; I triumph and adore:
Henceforth my great concern shall be to love and please Thee more.
—John Ryland

Thursday, August 22, 2019

2 Samuel 3; Micah 6; Romans 11:13-36

Master, carest thou not that we perish? Mark 4:38
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Oh yes, He cared very much. He still cares for you dear Christian,
whatever storm may be looming in the darkness today for it matters to Him about you. —David Croudace

Does Jesus care when my way is dark, with a nameless dread and fear?
Does Jesus care when I’ve said “goodbye” To the dearest on earth to me,
And my sad heart aches till it nearly breaks—
Is it aught to Him? Does He see?
Oh, yes, He cares, I know He cares, His heart is touched with my grief;
When the days are weary, the long nights dreary,
I know my Saviour cares. —Frank E. Graeff