Wednesday, October 23, 2019

1 Chronicles 1:1-54; Ezekiel 2:1-3:15; 2 Timothy 3:1-17

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in
Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1

At the Exodus, a lamb’s blood was applied to the door of each
Hebrew house and so the oldest child was protected when the destroying
angel passed through the land of Egypt. Later in Israel’s
history, Rahab, upon instruction from the spies, hung a scarlet
cord in her window, sheltering in safety as the walls of Jericho collapsed.
There is another judgement coming and each of us needs
to be sure that we have trusted Jesus to take the penalty for our sin.
Are you safe should that judgement fall? —Janet Fleming

Today there is given a warning, of the danger if you do not choose, God’s
offer of love and forgiveness—why do you the Saviour refuse? I challenge
you now to consider, the risk as you linger once more—Is scarlet thread
in your heart’s window?Is blood applied over the door?—Janet Fleming