Saturday, February 15, 2020

Exodus 5:1-6:13; Psalms 35:1-36:12; Acts 2:1-21

He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Revelation 22:20

A sign on a plot of land in my home town announced a development of luxury homes. “Coming Soon!” was splashed across it. Five years later the sign is still there. No new houses have been built. Reputedly, the builder did not have enough money to even get the project started. Christians are assured that a future home has been prepared for them—everything is ready and paid for and the Lord is coming soon to collect us. There is nothing to hinder His coming. Could it be today? —Brian Powlesland

I am waiting for the coming of the Lord Who died for me;
O His words have thrilled my spirit “I will come again for thee”. —S. Trevor Francis