Monday, July 13, 2020

Judges 6:1-40; Isaiah 27:1-13; 1 Corinthians 6:1-20

No man cared for my soul. Psalm 142:4

David’s sad complaint was made when hiding in a cave from his pursuers. He was weary of often fleeing for his life. After my husband was diagnosed with a critical illness, a couple who lived a distance away came to share comfort. During their visit the wife went to the piano to play and sing No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus. The memory of that kindness still lingers. If you know of someone suffering: send a card, make a call—do something. Believers have all been gifted to do some service well. When that gift is used nobody will need to say, “No one cared.” —E. Dyck

Before I loved Him, He loved me; before I found Him, He found me.
Before I sought Him, He sought me; yes, Jesus cares for me. —Ron Hamilton