Lord’s Day, July 26, 2020

Ruth 1:1-22; Isaiah 41:1-29; 2 Corinthians 1:1-24

When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished. John 19:30

This was not the cry of a defeated, despairing man gasping for his last breath. It was a shout of triumph! His suffering was over and the penalty for our sins was paid in full. It was the cry of the Victor. The enemy was vanquished. All His foes defeated. The eternal purpose of God in man’s history had been accomplished in redeeming, restoring and forgiving sinful man. The law we had broken was satisfied. Tetelestai—our debt was paid in full. —Jim Comte

Up Calv’ry’s mountain one dreadful morn
Walked Christ my Saviour weary and worn;
Facing for sinners death on the cross,
That He might save them from endless loss. —Avis B. Christiansen