God’s Way of Salvation (Full Color / KJV) Booklet

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SKU: BTP 1435
Author: Marshall, Alexander
ISBN-13: BTP 1435
Pages: 16
Binding: Booklet
Publisher: Bible Truth Publishers
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How God’s salvation answers all of man’s difficulties and doubts.

This booklet has been written especially for you. God loves your soul, and He longs to give you pardon, peace, joy and “pleasures forevermore.”—Alexander Marshall

Example text:

“I pray thee have me excused”: A distinguished man in the East, at great expense, provided a sumptuous feast and invited many. When the time came for the arrival of the guests, they all sent excuses. The fact was, they did not wish to go, and, not having the courage to say, “We won’t,” they said, “We cannot.” Whatever may have been their reasons for refusing to speak their minds and attend the feast, their excuses were extremely silly (Luke 14).

The first said, “I have bought a piece of ground and I must go and see it: I pray thee have me excused.” What was the hurry? Could he not have gone at some other time? The second was not a bit better. “I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them: I pray thee have me excused.” What harm could have come to the oxen by giving them a night’s rest? Besides, whether they were value or not for the money, he paid for them—they were bought.

But the third excuse was the worst of all. “I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come.” Why didn’t he go and take his wife with him?

The spiritual application of the story must be evident to all. God, at an infinite cost, has provided a feast for sinners. He has commanded His servants to go into all the world and proclaim the glad tidings to every creature. Here are some excuses given:

1. “I never did any harm in my life”: Such an excuse has often been given. Is this your excuse? Do you really mean that you have never done any harm? Have you never cherished an impure, unkind or wicked thought? Have you never spoken a hasty word, told a lie or attempted to mislead anyone? Have you loved God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind? Have you loved your neighbor as yourself?? “Oh no,” you reply. “No one has done so.”

Never mind others just now. You admit that you have sinned. If one were found guilty of breaking the laws of this country, who would believe that he had done no harm? There is no use concealing the fact that you have not been what you ought to have been; you have not done what you should have done—in other words, you are a sinner, and the Word of God declares, “The soul that sinneth, it shall die” (Ezek. 18:4). “The wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23). Take your place as lost and ruined in God’s sight, and give up all attempts to excuse or cover up your sins. They cannot be hid from God.

2. “I’ll turn over a new leaf”: It is all very well to say that you will “turn over a new leaf.” But let me ask, What about the past black leaves of guilt? Turning over a new leaf does not remove the blotted ones.

It may be at one time you were addicted to drinking or swearing or other bad habits, but of late you have “turned over a new leaf” and are become what the world calls a “reformed” person. This is right and proper, but don’t forget that future good conduct can never blot out past disobedience.

A merchant finds that he is in difficulties. He takes his cash book and begins a “new leaf,” forgetting that there is a “carried over” and a “brought forward” column. New figures on the “new leaf” won’t pay the old debts. Every page of our life’s account is headed with a “brought forward.” “Turning over a new leaf?”won’t do for you. The Saviour’s declaration is, “Ye must be born again” (John 3:3-7).