Synopsis of the Books of the Bible (5 Volumes)

$101.09 CAD

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SKU: 9520
Author: DArby, J.N.
ISBN-13: 9520


<font color="#003300" size="3" This

five-volume set is probably the single most important work produced by the great

Brethren teachers of the 19th century. In it, Mr. Darby gives a brief sketch of

every passage of the Bible.

<font color="#003300" size="3" Like

Brethren teaching as a whole, it is especially strong in its presentation of the

principles of the Bible. It has been said that while Luther unlocked the Bible,

it was the Brethren who opened it. Through them the Lord recovered a vast amount

of truth that had been lost since the first century concerning the Body of

Christ, the practical testimony to the oneness of the Body of Christ, the types

and prophecies of Christ in the Old Testament, and the outline of Biblical

prophecy concerning the rapture of the saints, the return of Christ, and the end

of the age.

<font color="#003300" size="3" Mr. Darby’s

writing is often difficult to understand, but it contains much gold.

A 5 Volume set bound in a two-tone hardcover binding in the same style as the

previous Morrish edition.

Title: Synopsis of the Books of the Bible 5 Vol set

Book Size: 5 1/2 X 8 3/4″

Binding: Cloth

Category: Commentary

Page Count: 2490 pgs

Weight: 9.5 lbs

Autor: Darby, J.N.