What is the Christian Faith? (if all we had was the Bible)

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SKU: 9780888737373
Author: Amos, Randal P
ISBN-13: 9780888737373
Pages: 61
Binding: Paperback
Publisher: Everyday Publications, Inc.
Categories: , , ,



It must have been quite the experience for those two broken-hearted disciples walking that dusty road to Emmaus. Their hopes of a conquering Messiah lay dead inside a secured tomb and, now, all was lost. Or so they thought. A “Stranger” joined them, the risen Christ – the Word-Made-Flesh! And He “expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning Himself“. One divine revelation after another after another were unfolded to them until their hearts were set on fire! “Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?” From broken hearts to burning hearts!

This book brings clarity to the biblical meaning of the Christian faith using only the Bible as its source. It shows how all the scriptures really do point to the crosswork of Christ, His glory that should follow and what it all means for us today. What is the desired effect of this book? That the reader might also experience that spiritual heartburn that only comes as we discover from His Word alone “all the things concerning Himself“.