Friday, July 31, 2020

1 Samuel 3:1-21; Isaiah 46:1-13; 2 Corinthians 6:11-7:16

The wise men are ashamed, they are dismayed and taken. Behold, they have rejected the word of the Lord. So what wisdom do they have? Jeremiah 8:9, NKJV

These days God’s Word is being rejected on a daily basis. It is generally viewed as archaic and irrelevant. As new frontiers and new discoveries happen, man’s wisdom is seen as boundless. Yet, there is no real wisdom in anything apart from God. His Word is perfect, beautiful and is His complete revelation to us. It “brings out of his treasure things new and old” (Matt. 13:52, NKJV). Don’t reject God’s Word for the empty wisdom of today. —Annette Baal

In Your Word, You to see, and my daily treasure, I go there to heed;
Truths old, things that will be, things that Your Spirit deems I need. —Annette Baal