Chart: Straight Talk Laminated O/P

$18.94 CAD

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SKU: 9781596360143
ISBN-13: 9781596360143
Publisher: Rose Publishing
Categories: ,


Wall Chart – Straight Talk on Homosexuality, Science, and the Bible
Rose Publishing

There is a lot of confusing information on homosexuality today. Some people believe that a homosexual can never change because it is genetic or the “way a person is born.” Others believe that there can be freedom from homosexual desires because it comes primarily from a person’s experiences and environment, as earlier as infancy and toddler years. The Bible says that homosexual acts are sinful, but many public schools teach that being homosexual is perfectly OK. What is the truth? What should Christians believe? This chart shows important scientific studies and includes quotes from pro-gay researchers that reveal that no one has ever found a “gay” gene, a gay center of the brain, or any genetic proof that homosexuals are born that way. It also shows the results of a landmark 2003 study by a gay-affirmative scientist that says that many people-especially Christians can escape from unwanted homosexual desires and live a happier, more fulfilled life. This is perfect to use when you discuss the biblical view of sex and marriage. Appropriate for ages 12 and up.

Twenty Questions answered by Straight Talk:
1 Does attraction to the same sex mean one is gay?
2 If one is attracted to the same sex, will he or she ever be attracted to the opposite sex?
3 What should we know about embracing a certain sexual identity?
4 Are people born gay?
5 Does experience shape someone’s sexual attraction?
6 What causes same-sex attraction?
7 Are there health risks associated with same sex attraction?
8 Isn’t society responsible for mental health problems in homosexuals?
9 Can someone change from gay to straight?
10 Aren’t those who disagree with homosexual behavior “homophobic”?
11 Isn’t 10% of the general population either gay, lesbian, or bisexual?
12 What if my son has feminine mannerisms or interests?
13 What if my teenager says he’s gay?
14 What if my adult child says he’s gay?
15 Homosexuals aren’t hurting anyone. Who cares if someone is gay?
16 What are some common factors to reorientation counseling?
17 What is reparative therapy?
18 How should Christians treat homosexuals?
19 Is the practice of homosexuality the worst sin?
20 Are the prohibitions in the Bible relevant today?

This same information is also available in unlaminated format.

ISBN-13: 9781596360143
IBinding: Laminated
Dimensions: 19″ x  26″
Publisher: Rose Publishing


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